Baby it’s cold outside

Up here in New Hampshire the temperature has been dipping down into the single digits and keeping me in the house. Now, I’m a new England girl at heart so I like it to be colder but this is just a bit too cold for me. Unfortunately, this has been keeping from getting up, out of my nice warm bed and into the cold to get a run in. This has caused a bit of a death spiral for me.


I’ve signed up for two 5ks, one in March and one in May, with the hopes that it will light a fire under my ass. I’ve also been looking for another “color” run type race. Willow asked me if we could to another one (as long as I make sure it doesn’t rain. Sure, no problem). Well there are two of the Color Me Rad races that are within a good distance. And neither of them are at the wicked hilly place the Color Vibe was at. But, I have to decide soon on whether or not we are doing both or just one and which one because the prices go up the closer to race time.

I’ve noticed that since my running has become sporadic, my brain seems to be firing off more and more thoughts all at the same time. There are things that I want to work on about myself but my brain won’t let me settle on just one to work on at a time. I feel like I’m constantly multitasking and not really doing anything good, just half assing everything.


I’m hoping that now that the light is coming back the temps will go up a bit and I’ll be able to get back out there again soon!

snow running

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